
Katie Crommett

Worcester, MA

Naturally curious, creative, playful, empathic and sensitive, I value genuine and honest relationships. I am driven by the spiritual and the subtle energies of healing and life. These gifts make me the writer, editor and artist that I am. They also propel me into the pursuit of continuous learning, teaching, exploring and discerning.

I have a Bachelor’s of English, a Master of Arts in Integrative Health and Healing, certifications in various energy healing and intuitive reading, and am a Certified Zentangle Teacher®.

I live in Worcester with my husband and our two cats. I love the coasts of Maine and Cape Cod. Music and its harmony come naturally to me while singing. I find a renewed energy and love for life when in nature.

I believe that no matter where you are or what you do, listening and engaging in dialog will create better relationships — and nurturing relationships is really what our little tour of earth in these human bodies is all about.

Books by Katie Crommett