
Rami Shamir

Brooklyn, NY

Rami Shamir is the author of TRAIN TO POKIPSE, the novel that's been called "a Catcher in the Rye for the new century." Bookending a literary canon of twentieth century masters that includes Samuel Beckett, Henry Miller, Kathy Acker, and William S. Burroughs, Shamir--the final author of legendary publisher Barney Rosset--was recently illuminated as "the last disciple of the Grove Press Empire" in a Hopes and Fears Magazine feature. Well-known as an activist with Occupy Wall Street, his work has appeared in Adbusters, Evergreen Review, and The Brooklyn Rail. He has been written about or interviewed in the Huffington Post, PRINT Magazine, Detroit Metro Times, the Brooklyn Rail, and Blotterature. Occupy co-creator Micah White has named TRAIN TO POKIPSE "the best indie novel of the Occupy generation," citing the book's "beautiful reflections on our generation." POKIPSE's second edition includes a new introduction from White.