Tami Tipton-Fletcher

Shaker Heights, Ohio United States

I am a 48 yr. old mother of 3 children who are the center of my world - next to my amazing husband who is my soul-rock, my life's partner, my answer to life's never-ending quandaries. I have always been a die-hard romanticist, a bit of a perfectionist, had an undying love for horses, log cabins, the water & mountains. I enjoy swimming, camping, dining out, the arts, varied musical venues but am particularly fond of R&B, Country, Jazz, some soft rock, & some adult alternative - music soothes my soul. I love to take rides in the country, a great glass of wine, great food, cuddling by the fire with my T, flannel, sweaters, sweatshirts & fall weather, NASCAR - #24 Go Gordon, NFL - the Steelers, the Pens, Penn State, & I love listening to my T play the piano & him singing to me. I am also a dental asst. & a vet. asst.. I have an older sister (in NC) who I miss terribly! Family is so very important to me. Someday I would love to have horses back in my life again ... I miss my Beauty & Sabby!