


I am an eclectric mish mash of"God knows what". When I was little I wanted to be 3 things, an artist, a nurse and a funeral director. So I was a Graphic artist, specializing in lettering for 10 years. Then I became a nurse, working in many areas, currently in long term acute care and when I am tired of people who are alive, I might become a funeral director. I love to knit, garden, play with paper and I can get lost in many creative pursuits. A bit old fashioned in my love for the domestic arts, I do love to clean & ironing is an active meditation for me. I am before my time in the area of ideas and my liberal interpretation of how I see things. That's what Gemini's do, we play on both sides of the fence and we can't pick just one favorite color unless it's for just a day or so. I have 2 grown sons and 3 dogs. I love my life and I am so glad to have it, as it is, knowing it's always getting better, I have a flair for taking anything & twisting it, until it becomes ass funny.

Books by Carleen