


<br> Sitting at work one morning all my paper work completed and filed I was surfing the I-Net and came across one of those "Meet Up" sites, After a few brief conversations with various women most from outside the area I got a message from this lady, Sue, We messaged small talk then over the course of the next few days we gained some intimate knowledge of each other, She was married but her husband seemed to have lost interest in bed time activities, We made arrangements to meet at a local coffee shop not far from her house, From her de***********ion, I was looking for a tall short haired blonde in the late forties or early 50's range, she was a self described as having very Nordic features, Soon this beautiful blonde lady walked in and I knew this had to be her, She saw me immediatly as I was still in uniform, She came by and ask if I was (name here) .... I acknowledged and ask if she was Sue, Pleasantries exchanged we ordered refreshm