
Lifestyle Nutrition

Centennial, CO

I'm passionate about helping people achieve their health goals. I've adopted the quote by Thomas Edison, "The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition". This is so true! I use a dynamic approach for training and nutrition, I structure a plan based on each individual client. No two people have the same nutritional/training needs so every plan I create is incredibly personalized the individual's nutritional and training needs. You can train and train and train with minimal to no visible results, why? You need both training AND nutrition to be on point.....because 80% of it is in what your eating. I help my clients make that connection and in doing so they get the results they desire!

Areas of Expertise

Sports Nutrition, Personal training, Competition prep,

Professional Affiliations

Shields of Strength
Lenny & Larry's