
Richard Nesbit


Upon returning from a 2005 mission trip with Habitat for Humanity in Eastern Europe, Richard's photography caught the eye of the administration at Carl Zeiss Lens. He subsequently sold over 100 canvas reproductions of his images to decorate the offices, hallways, and conference rooms of their New York corporate headquarters.. Over the years his work has been sold at charity auctions and to private collectors, A public exhibition of canvas prints was displayed in the popular Upper West Side neighborhood restaurant "The Shining Star" and his work has appeared throughout the cyber world in websites, online news articles, and travel sites. He has also been commissioned for portraiture, book-jacket cover, and head-shot work. Enjoying the camaraderie of friends and other photographers, Richard continues to exercise his craft with his daily postings on social media sites Facebook and Flickr. This is his first published work, and he is looking forward to the creation of his next book.

Books by Richard Nesbit