
skip schiel

cambridge massachusetts usa

Through photography I love: daughters, friends, the earth. Through photography I am outraged: at injustice, pomposity, violence, deceit, ignorance, greed. Through photography: I am perverse, critical, analytic, emotive, radiant, clumsy, elegant, adventurous, irreverent, romantic. Through photography: I am a person of the world, of the cosmos. And I am a recluse, an isolate, a monk.

For all this I am very grateful.

I praise my photographic lineage—ancestors who have taught me, contemporaries who cooperate with me, and successors who might benefit from what I've attempted to do. I thank the great mystery, god, the higher power, the ground of being, the still small voice inside, my dearly beloved and indispensable muses, and the pulse of the universe for allowing me—perhaps—to be aligned with this force, rather than opposed to it.

Photography is my main form of prayer—I pray outward to the beings, things, forces I photograph. I pray inward to my own center by sensing the light within.

Books by skip schiel