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Miniature Seattle (10x8)
Tilt-Shift Views of Seattle
by Erynn Rose
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About the Book
Tilt-shift photography manipulates the image's depth of field to give real settings the appearance of a miniature scene. I have spent two years wandering all over the city of Seattle daily with camera in hand, trying to find new and interesting ways to shoot its already well-documented views. My tilt-shift series began as an experiment, and quickly grew as I fine-tuned my skill at the technique. This collection has been shot over the course of a year and are some of my most popular.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 20 - Publish Date: Nov 26, 2008
- Keywords fake model, cityscapes, tilt-shift, washington, wa, seattle
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