About the Book
À la lumière d’un périple reliant Tokyo et Kyoto, le Japon semble doté d’un sens aigu de la circulation, comme pourrait le symboliser à lui seul le fameux carrefour de Shibuya (…). Des jeux d’arcade aux salles de Pachinko, le jeu est à tous les coins de rue, tant et si bien qu’il est difficile de ne pas le voir partout… (…) En cet « empire des signes » où pullulent logos, icônes, pictos et autres images fixes ou en mouvement, informations, messages, vœux et prières constituent les écritures d’un monde où nature et culture, tradition et ultra modernité, horizontalité et verticalité, ordre et profusion, se côtoient et se combinent harmonieusement, sous l’œil bienveillant de Doraemon, Astroboy ou Bouddha…
In the light of a trip to Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan seems to be endowed with an acute sense of circulation, symbolized by the famous intersection in Shibuya (…). Video games and Pachinko’s rooms are everywhere. And even when games cannot be found, one cannot help but still imagine them (…).In this "Empire of Signs" full of logos, icons, pictograms and other still and moving images, information, messages, greetings and prayers make up the written word in a place where nature and culture, tradition and modernity, horizontality and verticality, order and profusion, mix and combine harmoniously under the benevolent eye of Doraemon, Astroboy or Buddha…
In the light of a trip to Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan seems to be endowed with an acute sense of circulation, symbolized by the famous intersection in Shibuya (…). Video games and Pachinko’s rooms are everywhere. And even when games cannot be found, one cannot help but still imagine them (…).In this "Empire of Signs" full of logos, icons, pictograms and other still and moving images, information, messages, greetings and prayers make up the written word in a place where nature and culture, tradition and modernity, horizontality and verticality, order and profusion, mix and combine harmoniously under the benevolent eye of Doraemon, Astroboy or Buddha…
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 68 - Publish Date: Apr 03, 2009
- Language French
- Keywords photography, travel, japan
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