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About the Book
When a new class seating chart takes over Minnie’s world, she could not have expect the trials and tribulations that comes along with it. Stuck in the middle between a “troublemaker” and a “bucket load of distractions,” her once calm world turns upside down. Social situations become increasingly tricky and peer pressure presents itself in both subtle and overt ways. The desire to be popular and true to oneself is a test Minnie has to take. Along the way, Minnie embraces a revelation that explains what makes her different. The wisdom she gains in her last year of middle school will carry forward through the rest of her life.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Literature & Fiction Books
Project Option: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
# of Pages: 168 - Publish Date: Dec 31, 2018
- Language English
- Keywords young adult, middle school, teenager, drama
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