Lafreniere Park Ebook
The Summer of 2020: Walks in Lafreniere Park, Metairie, Louisiana
by Eugene L Brill
This is the price your customers see.
About the Ebook
“The bird life in Lafreniere Park is unsuspectingly spectacular. Usually when reading a sign that states “Bird Sanctuary” you expect to see a few birds. However, the pure multitude of birds in this park is mind-boggling; the sheer number of species staggering. And, they live, and thrive, in perfect harmony with their human neighbors. My desire is that my photographs give you a sense of what it is really like to spend time amongst the birds of Lafreniere Park.” according to Eugene Brill, nature photographer and outdoor enthusiast. This Coffee Table book features a brief history of New Orleans; and the history, birds and wildlife of Lafreniere Park in the residential suburb of Metairie, on the outskirts of New Orleans, Louisiana. Photography and text by Eugene Brill.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: History
- Additional Categories Nature / Wildlife, Fine Art Photography
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 70 pgs
- Publish Date: Oct 11, 2020
- Last Edit Oct 12, 2020
- Language English
- Keywords botanical garden, birds, new orleans
About the Creator
EUGENE L BRILL is a travel, nature, wildlife, and landscape photographer and author. His passion is conservation and wilderness photography through the lens of an amateur naturalist. Eugene does not hold a PhD in environmental science, botany, or another scientific field. He earned an MBA in business/marketing and is a mentor to startup entrepreneurs. However, he is a dedicated naturalist volunteer, as well as an avid gardener, and photographer. He does not speak with the vocabulary of taxonomic groupings, species and genera, but can communicate clearly with “Joe Public” in language everyone understands. Eugene is constantly improving his photography skills and his ability to translate science into plain English. He loves to share knowledge and his photography, and he believes that Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) is real, agreeing that “forest bathing” (fully clothed, of course . . .) makes us happier, healthier, and more creative. Copyright© and Published by: Eugene L. Brill, LLC