Introducing PDF to Book Updates

Today we’re excited to share the newest iteration of our PDF to Book creation tool, making it easier (and faster) than ever to make a book from a pre-existing PDF. But before we dive into the highlights, here’s a rundown on PDF to Book, so you know if it’s right for you.

PDF to Book takes any multi-page PDF and lets you upload it to Blurb for easy book creation. This is handy if you’ve used a layout tool other than Adobe InDesign. (If you’ve used InDesign, you’ll generally have the best luck with our plug-in for Adobe InDesign). After all, virtually any program from QuarkXpress to Microsoft Word can output a PDF. Company whitepapers are often in PDF too, so you can readily make books of material your company has already produced. Of course, your PDF still has to be in print-resolution (300 DPI).


So, now that we’ve got that covered, here are the highlights of PDF to Book 3.2!

New in Version 3.2:

Improved preflight: No more guesswork trial and error of what book formats your PDF is suitable for. Just upload your file(s) and select from the available options.

Improved upload: Geo-specific uploading with better connectivity to ensure successful uploads.

Book Spine text: You can now create a spine and choose a color for it when uploading a Single-File PDF, with the option to add and color text to these spines when page minimums are met.

We hope this update reduces the friction in the book-making process and allows you to bring more books to life. If you have any feedback or suggestions on the update, let us know in the comments.


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