Why Blurb?
From standout portfolios to beautiful photo books and professional magazines, our free, flexible tools are here to help you create, print, share, and sell. Access hundreds of customizable templates and choose from a range of trim sizes and premium papers. You can even sell your book through Amazon, on Ingram, and in the Blurb Bookstore.
Your photos. Your work. Your story.
Photo Book Options
Make your project match your vision with the highest quality printing and paper options.

5 Sizes
Photo Books go from small and simple to grand and luxurious in 5 sizes:
- Small Square (7×7 in., 18×18 cm)
- Standard Portrait (8×10 in., 20×25 cm)
- Standard Landscape (10×8 in., 25×20 cm)
- Large Square (12×12 in., 30×30 cm)
- Large Landscape (13×11 in., 33×28 cm)

6 Papers
Photo Book papers print with the richest blacks, the most saturated colors, and clearest details.
- Standard 80#
- Premium Lustre 100#
- Premium Matte 100#
- Mohawk Superfine Eggshell 100#
- Mohawk proPhoto Pearl 140#
- Premium Lustre – Layflat 100#

3 Cover Types
- Glossy Softcover
- Hardcover ImageWrap with a matte finish
- Hardcover Dust Jacket with a glossy jacket over black linen