


How do you define accurate good results? Have you taken the time to reflect and produce a definition that you can genuinely contact your very own? Whether we are mindful of it or not, our definition of accomplishment gets our north star. Have you defined your life goal and/or vision?
This North Star becomes the guiding force in our existence that motivates and propels us into action. It often triggers us to work extended draining hours, putting up with a occupation that has long lost its luster and meaning, just to settle for the security of health insurance coverage and a guaranteed paycheck.
Many of us fail to recognize that in reality our deepest driving force for achievement is no much more than a craving for protection and a burning want to accumulate far more money.
In its easiest terms several of us are motivated by the continual ebb and pull to make income and accumulate far more things. Now, there's practically nothing inco