


I am a fashion designer. I started my career by helping my aunt in her store. She has a boutique, and I designed outfits for her. I wanted to get a feel of what it would be like, and she needed my help and expertise. When I saw how much the customers liked my designs, I began to further my career. I did some more courses and started applying for jobs in other companies.
It was not long before I got an offer from a company. It was an excellent offer, and I could not resist it even though the company was in another country. I accepted their offer and began to make arrangements for the move. I planned everything and got all my friends to help me pack. One of my friends told me about Freight My Car. They are a Car Shipping Company In Dubai UAE. So I contacted this Professional Car Shipping Company In UAE. They told me how they would go about the transfer of the car. It was great, so I asked them for their help. I have no regrets as they did an excellent job.