


<br> Massage therapy is the soft manipulation of the soft tissue of the body. The most common strokes include rubbing, kneading tapping, shaking, pressing, and friction. Massage techniques can be done by using hands, fingers, elbows, feet, fingers, forearms, or an electronic device. Massage is intended to ease tension and discomfort in the body. It also aids in improving circulation as well as ease muscle tension. reduce the time to recover from exertion, and boost mobility.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>This article will focus on Lomilomi which is an indigenous Hawaiian massage that originated from Oceania. Lomilomi means 'of the sea' in Hawaiian and refers to deep tissue techniques that are common to this kind of massage. It is probably best to describe it as'Gentle pressure' since the strokes are gentle and slow, using the elbows and hands, sometimes feet and even toes. The goal is to loosen muscles that are tight, alleviate soren