


Past the world, the shelf falls out to the turquoise haze of this open ocean. I find myself surrounded with golden-peaked columns aglow with the glistening blossom of sun-lit lifestyle. Intelligent green webs of jagged tendrils extend from pillar to pillar, forming a semi permeable system of bridges to the feathery, fern like animals who patrol and continue maintaining them. It's a magnificent, awe-inspiring scene. However it exists mostly within my own imagination, its own miracle shaped by means of a small number of single-sentence descriptions and also a straightforward two-colour shape map. does so much with seemingly so modest, appearing like a masterclass in wise, minimalist storytelling.

Dr. Ellery Vas is actually a xenobiologist following in the aftermath of her spouse who vanished while researching extraterrestrial entire life within the sea world Gliese 667Cc. Stationed in her spouse left win