


<br> Massage is a kind of therapy that concentrates on a particular area of the body. This form of therapy can alleviate stress, boost circulation, and ease fatigue. The techniques used during massages include kneading, stroking, tapping, rocking and retaining pressure. Massages are a common method to improve your overall health and help treat chronic illnesses. Regular massage has been shown to reduce anxiety and pain from chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Massages improve circulation. The body reacts to relaxation by slowing heart rate and blood pressure. Also, the muscles relax, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to get to them. Serotonin is a hormone produced by the body. It can affect our mood, so this reaction can help reduce the physical effects of stress. It can also enhance the absorption of excess fluids as well as reduce swelling of the soft tissues. While further researc