


<br> A lot of people haven't been exposed to massage, yet it has been practiced for many centuries. It's among the oldest methods of relaxation and offers great health benefits. Massage is essentially a term for rubbing, kneading and gently pressing the body from head to toe. Massage can be as simple as gentle stroking to extremely deep penetrating kneading.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>One of the primary advantages of regular massage is it eases stress. Massage reduces stress through relaxing muscles and reducing tension in the muscles. Massage can assist in releasing stress's "fight or flight" response when faced with stress-inducing situations. The body adapts to stress by relaxing, decreasing the heart rate and blood pressure, and allowing us to relax. If you regularly massage it can dramatically reduce the effects of stress on your body.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Massage also aids in strengthening the immune system. Mass