


<br> Do you consider massage therapy as a part of your health care routine. If so considering it, you must consider whether the practice is something that you are at ease with. First, you must define what massage actually is. Many people confuse massage with shiatsu, acupressure, or even Swedish massage. They all involve the use of hands or other types of massage instruments to provide therapy but they're not the same.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Craniosacral Therapy, also known as craniofacial or craniofacial is an alternative medical treatment that osteopaths, chiropractors and massage therapists across the United States use. It is claimed to use the gentle, steady stroke on the scalp, face or neck to control various joints of the cranium or face, areas of the upper torso or the back to relieve discomfort. The treatment is usually performed by licensed pra