Author Spotlight: Lara Miller

Lara is a 30-something, “resilient optimist” from Australia, intent on seeing all the small and grand joys as she continues to lose her sight. Traveling the world with a camera in one hand and her husband by her side is her immediate priority. Without a doubt, she values experiences and relationships above all else. Most often, she can often be found talking to cute animals, hugging her nearest and dearest, or enjoying the taste of local produce. Read more about Lara’s journey and how she ended up choosing Blurb for her project.

How did you begin working with Blurb?
Some years ago I made a photo book for a friend’s 30th birthday. She was thrilled with it and I valued the realization that I could create such a precious keepsake for others. While on our 6 ½ month sabbatical around Europe, our friends kept saying, “when you make your book…” so naturally I started thinking about making something not only for us, but for others to share in the journey with us. The ease with which I can edit in Lightroom and then upload to Blurb, and then allow others to buy their own copy, drew me back to Blurb.

Who is your favorite fictional hero or heroine?
Ooh, this is hard! I rarely read fiction and am terrible at remembering most movie titles! But perhaps my favorite fictional hero would actually be a combination of attributes from inspirational real-life people—fragments that stay with me from those whom I meet and love. My husband’s non-judgemental and non-egotistical but quiet confidence, my mum’s tenacity, my step-dad’s humility, my mother-in-law’s baking prowess (!), my dog’s calmness, and the many talents of my friends. How I would package them all into a character, I’m not sure! Long flowing dark hair, superhero outfit or not. Perhaps, also the ability to blink like genie and appear in another country instantaneously. But then, half the fun is the journey too.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
To find joy in the extraordinary and the ordinary. To live with simplicity and a focus on one’s own priorities and dreams. To love wholeheartedly and to let others love you. To cherish the childlike streak within. To giggle often. To reach beyond old comfort zones. To take time for rest and recuperation.

In the physical sense, my perfect day of travel with my husband involves lots of walking in cooler weather, exploring laneways and landscapes, patting dogs, taking photos and eating good local food at a cafe, all without any time constraints.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
I think the ideal of maximizing puts a lot of pressure on people. That is, being everything to everyone, owning all status symbols, looking the part, being an expert on all pursuits, doing things a certain way, following the “norm”. So many people are rushing around endlessly to satisfy all these external ideals that they don’t notice the small moments along the way, hear their own thoughts over others, or realize that some people or things just aren’t good for them anymore.

Which talent would you most like to have?
It would be really great if I could walk elegantly in high heels without any pain!

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Once upon a time I would have said it was a list of externally validated achievements, involving higher rankings, bigger numbers, and winning awards. While I am still proud of those accomplishments, I did a lot of personal work over the past decade on finding my self-worth within. I now count my ability to be happy and love fully in the face of challenges surrounding my deteriorating sight, as my biggest success. I smile every day, try to help others, and am dedicated to my closest family and friends.


To see Lara’s journey, visit her bookstore here. You can find her photos and musings on Instagram @LoveWalkEatSee.


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