


<br> When you can hire a personal escort to take you to the front of security and immigration lines, why mess with long lines at the airport? Growing number of airport concierge companies offer it to fliers, whether they are departing or arriving. The companies offer their services in airports worldwide and are independent of airports and airlines (they have permission to operate at the airport where they provide services).<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br><br> <br><br>Analyst George Hobica, who has used some of these services, said their popularity has risen in recent years as airports have gotten busier. They are ideal for travelers who get frustrated when they have to wait in long lines, need assistance finding their way through airports, or have short connections when time is of the essence. If you have the tendency to rush onto the plane just as its doors shut, booking an airport concierge might be worth your while