


I am a florist. I have a shop where I sell various types of flowers and also make flower arrangements for those who need them. I have a few helpers who take over many tasks like contacting clients and deliveries. I have been doing the job for the past five years. I have become comfortable with it.
However, as time passed, I began to feel overwhelmed and exhausted as tasks piled up one after the other. I started to feel like I could not deal with them and needed to take a break from work. But when I took a holiday and went to work, it was as it had been before that holiday. I felt depressed and anxious. I tried writing down the tasks I had to do. But that did not work so well.
Recently, I met a relative, and we began to talk about the shop. I told her about the problems I was facing with organizing work. She gave me some valuable advice that made a difference in my business. She asked me to use task organizers to ensure proper workflow, and worked like magic.