


Massage therapy has been around since ancient times as it was still practiced by the Romans, Chinese, and Egyptians. It wasn't known as a medical artwork until the Renaissance Period, when it was brought into limelight. Today, massage is still the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Many massage techniques are used with fingers, hands, elbows, shoulders, forearms, or even a mechanical apparatus.
The aim of massage is usually for the relief of pain or body stress. The massage therapists use their fingers, hands, elbows, and forearms to manipulate the soft tissue of the body to relieve pain in areas that are sore or stiff. Usually, a massage therapist targets the muscles, nerves, tendons, blood vessels, and the structures of the soft tissue. The massage also improves the condition of the skin and helps to prevent injuries by increasing the flexibility of the muscles.
Massage therapy relaxes the body, re