


<br> Health Benefits of Ice Skating<br><br> <br><br>Whether you are a professional ice skater, a toddler, a retiree, a student, or a housewife, you can get health benefits from ice skating.<br><br> <br><br>Being in itself an aerobic exercise just like walking, running, and swimming, it offers positive effects for your cardiovascular health. An advantage over running is that it is not as hard on your joints, as it is a low-impact exercise, unless you do jumps while ice skating. It makes heart muscles healthy, providing significant protection from coronary artery diseases and subsequent heart attacks. It also aids in weight loss, as one gets to burn 250 to 810 calories per hour with recreational ice skating, according to the U.S. Figure Skating Association webpage. Meanwhile, competitive skating uses up more calories, at 450 to 1,080 per hour of skating. Just to illustrate, a 68-kg man skating continuously for an hour burns as much calor