


Tai Sai is just one of many variations on the original Chinese roulette sport. It literally meansundred red apples and feel it or notthat is the name of the first game also. Now it's commonly referred to as tai sai, dai sai, hi-lo or simply tai bai from Chinese. It is referred to as being a stunt game distinctive to Chinese culture alone, though it's pretty difficult to track down the roots of. There is no arguing that the source of a game like this one is essential, because without it, there wouldn't be a location for virtually any edition of this game to take place.
So, what did this popular game of chance arise? Well, some believe the source of the game could be traced back to the middle ages, so as mention has been made by Chinese Emperor Kangxi approximately four million years back. At that time, gambling was illegal in most areas of the country so that they resorted to using whatever methods they could to receive their hands on