
Simeen Brown

Salem, Massachusetts

As a child, Simeen Brown was a bookworm who would make up excuses to get out of play dates, just so she could hole up in her room with the latest series from the local library. Then the eighth grade hit and she discovered boys. The doctor told her she didn’t have to wear her back brace (for scoliosis) anymore and she came out of her shell literally and figuratively, turning into a class clown who couldn’t stand to miss a single social event.
She got her BFA in illustration from Brigham Young University and then free-lanced as an illustrator for over ten years. Currently, she is happily employed as a graphic designer at Salem State University.
She is married and has a daughter from China. She and her husband have known each other since high school where they were both in a group of friends called the Hip Squad. Their group of friends has faithfully stayed in touch for over twenty-six years. This is her first novel.

Books by Simeen Brown