
Loren Haynes

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Loren Haynes finds his passion for photography and his ability to capture a moment on film, as part of his undying study and search of life, and all it’s truths. He often describes his goal in his imagery, as to express the purity and mystery in any given situation. “ I strive to create images, where when viewed, one can see the beginnings of a story, that will cause their imaginations take over and continue the story‧‧ in their own minds eye; in doing so creating a unique experience, fresh thought or emotion. I desire that the experience, will feel to the viewer, as if they are actually watching the moment, rather than a photograph of a moment passed.”

Loren has said that he likes to work in two forms: “narrative or abstract form. I either infuse my pictures with a story or “back story” or I choose to work in an abstract view of something we would recognize immediately, with the naked eye.

Books by Loren Haynes