
Phill James

Northwest Highlands

Hi I'm Phill as you can see I'm a freelance Graphic Designer although I have been referred to as a Graphic Artist once or twice before.

You know great places, make for great photos and thats true of the Outer Hebrides, as you'll no doubt of seen its one of my favourites and a place I'd love to be able to work from.

As a graphic designer I love all things type, typography, moveable type, wooden type. I've recently set up a small printers studio in my my dads boat shed, from which I do typographical, aesthetically pleasing type projects, using moveable type and an old book binding press that Great Grandad used to use to make tobacco bricks.

As well as self publishing the book a few of the photos from the book have been printed large-scale (4'x4') and were in a little open photography exhibition 'SHOOT 2010' in Ullapool about 50 miles from where I stay.

Muchas lovas, Phill

Books by Phill James