
Sandy Logan

Charleston, SC

Sandy Logan returned to his native city of Charleston, South Carolina, in 1970 after growing up in Yankee bondage in Philadelphia. He received his Bachelor of English at Cornell University and his Master of Architecture from University of Pennsylvania. He has practiced architecture for his first nineteen years for the venerable firm of Simons and Lapham, and thence with LS3P Associates, Ltd. He has served for nine years on the City’s Board of Architectural Review, and currently on the Board of Drayton Hall, a National Trust property, and that of Redux Contemporary Art Center. His interest in photography began during architecture school where he commenced a career-long investigation into the detail of not only the built environment, but also the empty places wherein lay the castoffs of our disposable culture. He continues to practice architecture while remaining on a first-name basis with most of the area’s junk-yard dogs.

Books by Sandy Logan