Dispatches: Interview with Chloe Ferres

Chloe Ferres is going to be a household name. Okay, maybe not in every household, but anyone with design, illustration, photography, or general creativity will know her name. She is a multi-tool player and has done things with her Blurb books that nobody else in the world has done.

She is direct in regard to making art and seems to live by one simple rule: just create. She is equally talented as both a designer and photographer and she is one of the most creative people I’ve met. Her publications are immediately recognizable, something I find wildly impressive, and they are designed to be cut, folded and experienced as opposed to just viewed. If you want to get inspired, have a listen and remember the name. Thanks, Chloe.

Listen to the interview here.

Chloe Ferres

Chloe Ferres

About Dispatches Series

Dispatches, a production of Blurb’s Creative Evangelist Daniel Milnor, is an in-depth look at those living artistic lives. Each episode will feature photographs and audio conversations with artistic pioneers who have devoted their lives to the arts. From artists to authors, photographers to philosophers, Dispatches will reveal the faces and foundations of those who lead the creative way.


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